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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Thanks guys. Guess we'll be going to see the family tomorrow. No one is really shocked. With the Alzheimer's, it's like he's been dead already. Glad he is out of pain.


He was part of a tank crew that fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. Lot of good war stories, so that's how I'll remember him.

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He was part of a tank crew that fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. Lot of good war stories, so that's how I'll remember him.


Do you happen to know which one? You can PM me. My girlfriends grandfather fought in that same battle, maybe they were related through regiments or divisions.



Oh, and I'm currently in my last lecture of the semester. THANK GOODNESS!

Edited by Jules
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I slept for a couple hours after work last night because I had a migraine all day. I woke up around like 9ish and couldn't fall back asleep :(


Woke up at 745 lol.


Step off me lol, I'm not on here for days at a time, sometimes. Gotta make up for it :D

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I slept for a couple hours after work last night because I had a migraine all day. I woke up around like 9ish and couldn't fall back asleep :(


Woke up at 745 lol.


Step off me lol, I'm not on here for days at a time, sometimes. Gotta make up for it :D


I guess i can give you a break for the migraine :p

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Youre in connecticut? You'll have plenty of time to make a ton of reports then...there's nothing to do there. Boring!


The little guy has a tourny. 2 games Friday, 2 games Saturday, IF we make the final 4 then we have semi's on Sunday morning.

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The little guy has a tourny. 2 games Friday, 2 games Saturday, IF we make the final 4 then we have semi's on Sunday morning.


It's not like YOU'RE the one playing :D


I kid. I actually had fun when I was up there. The weather was nice, I was outside from 7am to 8pm lol.

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LOL ...I watch his games like they are the Rangers in a game 7, only with more intensity. I'll be in a rink all day so it should be a nice, calm balmy 32 degrees.


32 degrees? I dont miss that right now...except for yesterday. I had such a bad migraine, holy shit.

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32 degrees? I dont miss that right now...except for yesterday. I had such a bad migraine, holy shit.


Heat and humidity do the same thing to me. I get bad migraines, ugh ... it's the worst. Thyroid, migraines, hockey ... are we related?

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haha...i wasnt really outside much yesterday though, maybe like five minutes total lol.


I mostly get migraines from the car accident I was in, bad back/shoulders/neck. Some days are just real bad, usually not THAT bad though, yesterday sucked lol.

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haha...i wasnt really outside much yesterday though, maybe like five minutes total lol.


I mostly get migraines from the car accident I was in, bad back/shoulders/neck. Some days are just real bad, usually not THAT bad though, yesterday sucked lol.


in all seriousness, go get a massage. it works. they have a spa in the hotel we're staying at this weekend, i'm getting one right after the 2nd game. it loosens everything up, keeps the blood flowing nice.

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in all seriousness, go get a massage. it works. they have a spa in the hotel we're staying at this weekend, i'm getting one right after the 2nd game. it loosens everything up, keeps the blood flowing nice.


Yeah I need one, bad. They dont really help much though, at least not for more than a few hours...the problems I have arent muscular, they're neurological and skeletal. I have three vertebrae in my neck that are pushed back a little, and impinged nerves. So they pain just comes back, I just ignore it though to be honest, I've gotten used to it. I get headaches all the time but the migraine I had yesterday isn't an every day occurrence.

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Yeah I need one, bad. They dont really help much though, at least not for more than a few hours...the problems I have arent muscular, they're neurological and skeletal. I have three vertebrae in my neck that are pushed back a little, and impinged nerves. So they pain just comes back, I just ignore it though to be honest, I've gotten used to it. I get headaches all the time but the migraine I had yesterday isn't an every day occurrence.


made me shiver when i read that lol. not sure what could fix that outside of any form of surgery. chiropractor or acupuncture?

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made me shiver when i read that lol. not sure what could fix that outside of any form of surgery. chiropractor or acupuncture?


Usually when I say "Lindsay's rack", I mean something different, but this time...



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made me shiver when i read that lol. not sure what could fix that outside of any form of surgery. chiropractor or acupuncture?


Just surgery, which my neurologist doesnt want to do. Nor do I. I've done everything else possible outside of that lol.

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