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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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You really suck. You drive past me every goddamn week.


Oh shh, stop hatinnnn!!! I'll figure something out soon. (and it's several times a week actually :p)


I was out in NYC until 4am on Friday lol. I spent half my day here, yesterday. Loved it. :D


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Oh shh, stop hatinnnn!!! I'll figure something out soon. (and it's several times a week actually :p)


I was out in NYC until 4am on Friday lol. I spent half my day here, yesterday. Loved it. :D



I'm not hatin, you're a dodgy punk.

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Not dodgy, I doubt you wanted to come to a club in the city at 1130 at night lol. That and my friend who was dj'ing there could only get three others in. Hatin!


I'm just sayin - I'm a 10 minute detour off the path you travel several times a week and you make no time to say hi.


I'm also sure your friend, like every other aspiring DJ in NYC, is boring.

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If I'm in NYC Lyndzzz, you better not dodge us.


Of course not!! Just give me a heads up. :D


I don't doge, I will admit it, I'm usually really busy, like all over the place. I'm home right now for the first time since Friday morning. I don't like sitting around at home too long. I'll be there, no worries. :)

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I'll let everyone know what the plans are. Chances are like 90% I'll be near Princeton for a few days in mid August. See what happens when I'm there, sure we can hang out with a group and all that. Edited by Jules
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I'm just sayin - I'm a 10 minute detour off the path you travel several times a week and you make no time to say hi.


I'm also sure your friend, like every other aspiring DJ in NYC, is boring.


We took the train from New Brunswick on Friday, so I didn't make it that far north. And the friend who was dj'ing is actually from LA, and was guest dj'ing here. Not boring, just not your kind of music, that's all.

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Also, after not seeing each other in real life for 14 weeks, there's only 1 (ONE!!1!11!) more week left to count down until I can hold her again.


Long-distance sucks, but we're almost there. :)


And, I should add this, we get to spend almost two full months together until September 1st. So, so excited about that.

Edited by Jules
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UGH, so got a phone call from my sister tonight, telling me my dads uncle was found dead inside his house, by his neighbor. So my gram is the last sibling remaining from her family


So going to my mom's aunts funeral in the am and now to see when the next one will be.


Im so sorry to hear this Mike. My condolences go out to you and your family.

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